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Your favorite MONEY magic effect for close up

15 years 3 weeks ago #667 by Appelsmagic
What effects with money do you find to be favorites not only for you, but for your audiences?

I find I get the best reactions with slow burn, beswitched and mismade (No TT)

What are yours?

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15 years 3 weeks ago #668 by Pier
Some years ago I performed with (modest) success \"copper silver brass\" more or less as described in the original directions; nowadays I\'d like very much to learn it as Cody Fisher does it (but never found really the time...).
Also, I like very much David Roth\'s Okito box routine \"Out with Four\".
Both requires more than a little application, but it\'s worth the time!
Uh... I know, I\'ve chosen COIN magic -- dunno exactly why, but I don\'t use bills...

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15 years 3 weeks ago #669 by Appelsmagic
I used to do more coin magic in close up settings, but now, because here in the US, there are no larger coins in regular circulation. You pull out a half or a real dollar coin (not one of those quarter size things) and many think they are fake or gimmicked right from jump.

Now I tend to just use coins for things like Miser\'s Dream and such. Occasionally I will do some basic slights with some OLDER coins and take the oppertunity to point out the beautiful art work of the older coins. This way the people handle the coins as well.

Everyone knows what paper money looks liks, and they seem to NEVER think there is a way to gimmick bills. Of course, using different switching methods and letting them examine the bills occasionally, or using their borrowed bills also is a big help. You can\'t borrow a silver dollar or half anymore because nobody but magicians carry them.

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15 years 3 weeks ago #683 by mattr
Appelsmagic wrote:

You pull out a half or a real dollar coin (not one of those quarter size things) and many think they are fake or gimmicked right from jump.

I wouldn\'t think a lay audience would think a half or dollar coin is gimmicked by default. Would they? Maybe its all in the presentation. If you fish a few coins out of your pocket and put them on the table, that seem more fair than pulling them out of a special little coin purse or other container. administrator

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15 years 3 weeks ago #684 by Appelsmagic
Ever since the article about the \"Spy Coin\" that was found, I have had three people make comments about Kennedy half\'s. At least with the walking Liberty\'s, I can talk about the artistry of the older coins.

The point being that people generally look at \"ODD\" items, or \"Unfamiliar\" items, they tend to question. Although they CAN examine the coins, it tends to slow things down. I have just found that I have slowly been dropping the coin effects and it has not hurt my work.

I still do an occasional vanish then a changeover palm then make the coin reappear where it just wasn\'t. I still carry 4 Ike\'s and five walking liberty\'s, but they are NOT everyday objects anymore.

I have seen some do absolutely beautiful coin work and slights, from Dave Roth, and Michael Rubinstein to Mickey Silver, but it\'s like anything else in magic. Either it\'s you or it isn\'t. While I can do many effects using coins, I am more comfortable using things that people know. I still do some things with quarters, but wish that they would do something that would make it popular for people to carry half\'s or dollar coins again.

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15 years 3 weeks ago - 15 years 3 weeks ago #688 by Pier
From this point of view, Eric, the fact I\'m foreign it\'s a little on my advantage...
I show to my (few) spectators some American Kennedy halves, and nobody has anything to object about them... unless I let them grab the coins and have a very quick look while I\'m explaining that the coins are American now-out-of-circulation coins and are used in the international competitions of Magic.
I\'m of course absolutely FAR from competitions, but the unusual aspect of the coins plus this explanation tends to create interest in what is about to follow.
Also, usually the inspections of the coins any spectator does, is just: take the coin, look at it on both sides, drop the coin on the table.
Because, even if foreign coins, a coin is just a piece of metal -- nothing special to discover on it.
Of course, if I have to put into use some gimmicks (trick coins), I must do this way after the initial coins are examined.
Or start with a \"smart\" set (such as copper, silver, brass), where the coins are examinable at the start and at the end of the trick (\'cause the gimmick starts and ends in my pocket).
Just a way to make the coin work FOR ME... :-)
Last edit: 15 years 3 weeks ago by Pier. Reason: spelling !

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