
Magic Collectors and Builders Online Resource

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Q: How do I know my transaction is secure?

A: Payments are done through PayPal's secure sight and your financial information is never known by Magicgizmo.


Q: I don't have a PayPal account, can I still buy at MagicGizmo?

A: Yes. Just proceed through checkout. When you reach the PayPal site, just click on the link for those for non-account holders and you will be able to enter your credit card information without establishing account.


Q: When will I get my download?

A: You will get an e-mail within minutes of paying through the secure PayPal site. Click on the link in the e-mail and you will be brought to the download area.


Q: The e-mail link in the download email is not working?

A: Some email clients will break the URL into multiple parts. You can paste the pieces into your browser or you can go to the download area and paste in the download key that is listed in the email.  The download key is listed after the filename in the email, see example in bold below:

 Magic_Stencil_Techniques_Download.pdf: b34739b1d5e05f608ee9e3645292245b


Q: I paid for the download but I did not get a Download email with a link to the download?

A: Sometimes emails get blocked by SPAM filtering software or delayed in sending.  Log-in to your MagicGizmo account and then visit the account maintenance screen.  You should see an order for the date and dollar amount of your order. The status should be confirmed.  Click on "View" and find the name of the product you ordered with a green arrow next to it. Click on it and you will directed to the download area and click on Start Download.  If you ordered more than one product, you can repeat for each product you ordered.


Q: I am still having problems, what can I do?

A: Please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and include your order number and a description of your problem.