If you haven't started using magicgizmo classified to sell your used and vintage magic, what are you waiting for? See all the compelling reasons here.

If there were not enough reasons to use the classified, you will now be able to request you own store URL. The store URL gives you a convenient way for people to find your items for sale for example:




This allows you to select your own store name (subject to approval) and have a single URL pointing to only your ads posted on magicgizmo.com  This limited time offer only has a few rules you need to comply with:

  • Place 10 classified ads or more on the site with at least one picture for each ad
  • Request your store name, by filling out the form. To access the form, make sure you are logged-in and click on "Classified Ads" and then select "Request Store URL" under the Classified Ads menu options.
  • Fill out the form and then wait a few days and you should be all set.


This is a limited time offer good for the first 25 applicants although the magicgizmo staff may extend or revoke this offer at anytime.