It's that time of year again. So I brought out this lil' piece of work that I wrote and published in bizarre ink. The numbers are where the magic is performed and is explained at the bottom of the piece. I hope that some of the membership will find it fun for the Halloween season.


Do you believe in vampires? Ghouls? Friends of the nite?
Then this 'lil tale shouldn't give you a fright....
A relic found in a shallow grave... (1)
enclosed in a coffin forever saved...
Your belief in vampires it matters not!!!
For this lace kerchief has refused to rot... (2)
Ahead of myself, I suppose...

Now on with the story of the vampire's rose... (3)
Over a century damned with a vile curse...
He knew falling in love would only make matters worse...
To open his heart t'was not what he chose...
But that is what happened ; when he first saw his rose

She was tending a garden of which was her fame
a garden of flowers and each bore her name
from the dirty soil comes beauty... something that grows... (4)
this was the talent of the woman named Rose...

He would watch her each day from his dark tower above... (5)
Never to meet her and admit of his love...

Then it happened so fast... In the mist of the morn...
She was tending the garden when pricked by a thorn... (6)
She wrapped her wrist... but still the blood came...
The color of crimson as red as her name....
First just a trickle... Then quite a flow !!!
The blood cried out from the village below !!!

Like a moth to the candle, to the wound the vampire flew... (7)
Living out the curse... What else could he do???
In a snap it was over, her life was gone...
Now just a memory, a lingering song

Oh, it still haunts him... Always a sleepless nite...
Staying only in the dark never seeking the light...
Taking the cloth that had last touched her wrist...
a mournful sigh... a good night's kiss... He would give it a twist, (8)
with all of his might...
To fashion a flower to hang in the nite...
Till it was touched by the dawn as it glows... (9)
ever to remind him of the Vampire's Rose.


This was written back in 1998...on a foggy night while listening to  Moody Blues "Night in White Fashion"... I wanted to perform the  "floating rose" created by Kevin James...only I had a desperate need to make it my own so I kind of thought up the workings of a looking at the poem...

(1) I need to produce a small white silk.. .VANISH it..
(2) Have a reappearance of the "silk" from a different place
(3) Use black art effect so Narrator is "ghostly hidden" ....
(4) Production of roses from a rose bush (ala orange tree production of Kellar Fame)
(5) Black art appearance
(6) A prop called Spritzer ( I do a 'zillion effects with this )
(7) More Black Art
(8) Napkin to Rose
(9) Floating rose

The poem comes from listening to Michael Jackson's "Thriller" over a million times. This was not by choice as I have a neighbor that lives about 2 miles over the hill with one 'o those thump wumpers in his SUV. Now this routine has been actually performed many times since written. It works great as a piece of performance art, A LOVE STORY with a gothic bent. The colleges where I perform at have all had a great response to this routine....
THAT's what I'm looking for RESPONSE !!!  The Story calls for it.