I came across an interesting article which got me to thinking more generally about kid's psychology.  The article was about a school lunch program which found that kids ate more vegetables when they were given cool names. A study of 186 4 year old children were given veggies renamed as "X-Ray Vision Carrots" and they ate twice as much as they normally did.


So what does this have to with magic and performing magic for children?  I think this is just a reminder of how a bit of creativity can go a long way. Funny or interesting names can replace mundane ones.  Rope could become white licorice or a shoe lace of King Kong.  A simple box could have be transported from a mountain top in China and shipped to you just before the show. The die from the Sucker Die Box could have come from a game played by the Jolly Green Giant.


If some creative thinking can get kids to eat more vegetables, just think of what it can do for something they already like such as seeing a magic show.